Foreword to the
Second Edition
Wow. It has been a long time since I wrote the
foreword for the first edition of ATL
Internals. Reading through the old introduction really takes
me down memory lane; I can hardly believe that it has been almost
eight years. Not long after I wrote it, I moved on to the Windows
team at Microsoft and then on out of Microsoft a year later. I came
back to Microsoft (and the Visual C++ team) a few years ago, and I
am now managing several development teams in Visual C++. One of
these is the libraries team, of which ATL is a part, and it is fun
to be involved in ATL again. Jan and Christian have both moved on,
although Nenad expanded the windowing classes from ATL that I
mentioned in the first introduction into a separate library called
WTL (Windows Template Library). WTL is now a Microsoft
open-source project that Nenad manages.
ATL has changed in ways I never could have
predicted, and it has been bittersweet to see it continue to grow
without being personally involved. There have been many great
people who have worked on ATL over the years. Some of them I have
known quite well and others I never knew.
When I mentioned "some new ways of accessing the
ATL functionality" in the first foreword, I was referring to
attributes. This technology was delivered in Visual Studio .NET
2002, but it never really developed into what we envisioned. ATL
attributes still work in the current release and they can be quite
powerful, but there are no plans to expand their use. This new
version of ATL Internals provides lots of updates and does cover
attributes, but doesn't assume that you're going to depend on this
feature. This edition also includes a very nice introduction to ATL
Server, which provides a flexible, high-performance way to create
web applications. If performance is a critical requirement, ATL
Server was built for you. Other ATL 8 improvements include better
security, full 64-bit support, better scalability, debugging
improvements, support for C++/CLI, and managed ATL components.
What has become the .NET ecosystem was just
getting underway back in 1998. It has revolutionized programming
for many developers and will continue to deliver improvements in
the years to come. However, COM programming (and ATL) is still very
much alive and is very important to many developers both inside and
outside of Microsoft. The second edition of this book, like the
first, provides the details you need to maximize your investment in
those technologies.
Jim Springfield
April, 2006