Creating the
Initial Control Using the ATL Wizard
Some people prefer to write all the code for a
control by hand. They don't care for the wizard-generated code
because they don't understand what it does. Occasionally, the
wizard-generated code is incorrect as well. Even if you generate
the initial code base using the wizard, you will change it greatly
before the control is complete anyway, so you might as well save
some time and effort initially by using the wizard.
Selecting Options
for the CBullsEye Implementation Class
Using the requirements for the BullsEye
control, I created an ATL project and used the Add Class dialog box
to add an ATL control. First, I defined the name of my
implementation class, (CBullsEye), its source filenames,
the primary interface name (IBullsEye), and various COM
object registration information (see Figure 11.5).
The Options screen (see Figure 11.6) looks much like the Options page you
get when adding a simple object. In addition to letting you choose
the interface type and threading model, it lets you choose what
type of control you want.
In this case, I chose Standard Control because
it matches the BullsEye requirements the best of the three
choices. The Options page in this wizard is
slightly different than the Simple Object Wizard's Options page.
Controls need thread affinity (because they are UI components and
use window handles, which are associated with a thread). Therefore,
the wizard correctly allows you to request only the Single or
Apartment threading models for a control.
The Minimal Control check box
tells the wizard that you want to support only the minimum
interfaces needed to be an ActiveX control. This means that when
you get to the Interfaces page in the
wizard (see Figure 11.7),
the Supported list will be empty by default instead of the standard
set you normally get.
Containers access a control's properties and
methods using the control's IDispatch interface.
The easiest way to get an IDispatch implementation in your
control is to specify that the primary interface should be a dual
interface. If you specify the Custom interface option, you must
implement IDispatch separately on the control. Controls
can be aggregated or not. I've requested that BullsEye
support aggregation, even though it increases the size of each
instance by 8 bytes.
Next, we get to choose from a set of stock
interfaces (see Figure
In addition to the standard list the wizard
supplies, I added the IPropertyNotify-Sink interface,
which is the standard interface for the control to tell its
container that a property has changed.
The Appearance page, shown in Figure 11.8, enables you to select various
control options that are not available elsewhere.
The options on the Appearance page specify
various optimizations that ActiveX control containers can take
advantage of. The Opaque option says that your control is
completely opaque: None of the container's background will show
through your control. Containers can use this to avoid having to
paint the background under the control. Solid Background (which
means anything only when Opaque is also specified) indicates that
the background of your control is a solid color instead of a
patterned brush. Later, I discuss how to implement the
BullsEye rendering code so that it supports transparent
areas around the bull's eye, but let's start with an opaque
control. Your choices for these two options appear in the code as a
DECLARE_VIEW_STATUS macro in your class declaration. This
macro provides a method that returns the options you chose. The
IViewObjectExImpl< > template uses this method to
implement the IViewObjectEx interface.
The Normalize DC (device context) option causes
your control to override the OnDraw method for its
rendering. When not selected, the control overrides the
OnDrawAdvanced method. By default. OnDrawAdvanced
saves the state of the device context, switches to MM_TEXT
mapping mode, calls OnDraw, and then restores the saved
device context. Therefore, when you ask for a normalized DC and
don't override OnDrawAdvanced, you introduce a little more
overhead. BullsEye uses this support, though.
Windowed Only states that the control does not
support windowless activation; the control must have its own window. This is useful for
drop targets, for example, that need to receive window messages,
but the BullsEye control can handle windowless
Insertable adds a Registry entry under the
control's CLSID key that makes the control show up in the standard
Insert Object dialog box used by OLE containers, as in the various
Microsoft Office applications. Selecting this option also adds
support for the IPersistStorage and IDataObject
The Add Control Based On option enables you to
create an ActiveX control that superclasses one of the standard
Windows controls: Button, ComboBox, Edit, and more. A total of 16
options are available here, but the typical ActiveX control
generally will be a new window class, so None is the default.
The Miscellaneous Status bits provide a couple
extra pieces of information to the container: They result in
Registry changes in the RGS file and the introduction of a
DECLARE_OLEMISC_STATUS macro into your header file.
Invisible at Runtime means that the control displays only at design
time, not at runtime. The VB Timer control is the canonical example
of this behavior. Acts Like Button controls can be set as the
default OK or Cancel buttons on dialog boxes or on forms. Finally,
Acts Like Label is used for a control that doesn't accept keyboard
focus, but that can be an accelerator key to select the next
control in the Tab order (surprisingly enough, this is exactly how
a label behaves).
11.8 shows the options chosen for the BullsEye
Finally, you can have the wizard generate
support for any stock properties that you want the control to
support. BullsEye requires four stock properties, which
I've selected in the dialog box in Figure 11.9. ATL provides the implementation of
the property-accessor methods.
wizard support exists for stock methods, so you have to implement
them, as well as the BullsEye custom properties, by
Base Classes Used
by Wizard-Generated Classes
The ATL wizard generates the initial source code
for a control. The control class derives from a number of different
base classes, depending on the type of control you ask the wizard
to generate. The wizard also adds support for various features
based on selections you make from the ATL Object Wizard Properties
dialog pages. Table 11.5
summarizes the base classes used by the different types of
wizard-generated controls.
Table 11.5. Base Classes Used by Various
Control Types
Base Classes Used
Standard Control
Minimal Standard Control
Composite Control
DHTML Control
Minimal Composite Control
Minimal DHTML Control
No SP and dual
No SP and dual
No SP and dual
No SP and dual
Control uses normalized DC
Control is windowed only
SP = Stock properties selected; CP = Connection
points enabled; SEI = SupportErrorInfo enabled; User =
User chosen option on Appearance wizard page when creating