Any time you run the ATL Simple Object Wizard
and choose Dual as the interface type, ATL generates an interface
definition for the default interface that derives from
IDispatch and is marked with the dual attribute,
and places it in the IDL file. Because it derives from
IDispatch, our dual interface can be used by scripting
clients such as Active Server Pages (ASP), Internet Explorer (IE),
and Windows Script Host (WSH). When our COM class supports
IDispatch, we can use objects of that class from scripting
environments. Here's an example HTML page that uses an instance of
the CalcPi object:
<object classid="clsid:859512CF-E4D8-450C-AF09-6578FE2F6DC2"
<script language=vbscript>
' Set the digits property
objPiCalculator.digits = 5
' Calculate pi
dim pi
pi = objPiCalculator.CalcPi
' Tell the world!
document.write "Pi to " & objPiCalculator.digits & _
" digits is " & pi
For more information about how to handle the
inconvenient data types associated with scriptingnamely,
BSTRs and VARIANTssee Chapter 2, "Text and Strings," and Chapter 3, "ATL Smart