Inserting a COM
Adding an ATL
Simple Object
When you have an ATL COM server, you'll probably
want to insert a new COM class. This is accomplished by selecting
the Add Class item in the Project menu. When inserting an ATL
class, you first have to choose the type of class you want, as
shown in Figure 1.4.
If you're following along, you might want to
take a moment to explore the various types of classes available.
Each of these classes results in a specific set of code being
generated, using the ATL base classes to provide most of the
functionality and then generating the skeleton for your own custom
functionality. The wizard for a particular class type is your
chance to decide which interfaces you want your COM class to
implement. Unfortunately, the wizard doesn't provide access to all
the functionality of ATL (or even most of it), but the generated
code is designed to be easy for you to add or subtract
functionality after it has gotten you started. Experimentation is
the best way to get familiar with the various wizard-generated
class types and their options.
After you choose one of
the class types (and press OK), Visual Studio generally asks for
some specific information from you. Some of the classes have more
options than the ATL Simple Object (as selected in Figure 1.4), but most of the COM
classes require at least the information shown in Figures 1.5 and 1.6.
The Names tab of the ATL Simple Object Wizard
dialog box requires you to type in only the short name, such as
CalcPi. This short name is used to compose the rest of the
information in this dialog box (which you can override, if you
choose). The information is divided into two categories. The
necessary C++ information is the name of the C++ class and the
names of the header and implementation files. The necessary COM
information is the coclass name (for the Interface
Definition Language [IDL]); the name of the default interface (also
for the IDL); the friendly name, called the Type (for the IDL and
the registration settings); and finally the version-independent
programmatic identifier (for the registration settings). The
versioned ProgID is just the version-independent ProgID with the
".1" suffix. Note that the Attributed option is not selected. In a
nonattributed project, we have the option of selectively adding
attributed classes to our project via the Attributed check box in
Figure 1.5.
The Options page is your chance to make some
lower-level COM decisions. The Threading model setting describes
the kind of apartment where you want instances of this new class to
live: a single-threaded apartment (STA, also known as the Apartment
model), or a multithreaded apartment (MTA, also known as the
Free-Threaded model). The Single model is for the rare class that
requires all its objects to share the application's main STA,
regardless of the client's apartment type. The Both model is for
objects that you want to live in the same apartment as their
clients, to avoid the overhead of a proxy/stub pair. The Neutral
threading model is available only on Windows 2000 (and later) and
is useful for objects that can safely execute on the thread of the
caller. Calls to components marked as Neutral often execute more
quickly because a thread switch is not required, whereas a thread
switch always occurs with cross-apartment calls between other types
of apartments. The Threading model setting that you choose
determines the value for the ThreadingModel named value
placed in the Registry for your server; it determines just how
thread safe you need your object's implementation of
AddRef and Release to be.
The Interface setting enables you to determine
the kind of interface you want the class's default interface to be:
Custom (it needs a custom proxy/stub and does not derive from
IDispatch) or Dual (it uses the type library marshaler and
derives from IDispatch). This setting determines how the
IDL that defines your default interface is generated. Custom
interfaces can further be qualified by selecting the Automation
Compatible option. This option adorns the IDL interface definition
with the [oleautomation] attribute, which restricts the
variable types that your interface's methods can use to OLE
Automation-compatible types. For instance, [oleautomation]
interface methods must use the SAFEARRAY type instead of
conventional C-style arrays. If you plan to use your ATL COM object
from several different client environments, such as Visual Basic,
it is a good idea to check this option. Moreover, accessing COM
objects from code running in the Microsoft .NET framework is much
simpler if [oleautomation] interfaces are used. Deploying
your COM object might also be simpler with the use of
[oleautomation] interfaces because these interfaces always
use the universal marshaler to pass interface references across
apartments. The type library marshaler always is present on a
machine that supports COM, so you don't need to distribute a
proxy/stub DLL with your component.
The Aggregation setting enables you to determine
whether you want your objects to be aggregatablethat is, whether to
participate in aggregation as the controlled inner. This setting
does not affect whether objects of your new class can use
aggregation as the controlling outer. See Chapter 4, "Objects in ATL," for more details
about being aggregated, and Chapter 6, "Interface Maps," about aggregating
other objects.
The Support ISupportErrorInfo setting directs
the wizard to generate an implementation of
ISupportErrorInfo. This is necessary if you want to throw
COM exceptions. COM exceptions (also called COM Error Information
objects) enable you to pass more detailed error information across
languages and apartment boundaries than can be provided with an
HRESULT alone. See Chapter 5, "COM Servers," for more information
about raising and catching COM exceptions.
The Support Connection Points setting directs
the wizard to generate an implementation of
IConnectionPoint, which allows your object to fire events
into scripting environments such as those hosted by Internet
Explorer. Controls also use connection points to fire events into
control containers, as discussed in Chapter 9, "Connection Points."
The Help information for the Free-Threaded
Marshaler setting reads as follows: "Allows clients in the same
interface to get a raw interface even if their threading model
doesn't match." This description doesn't begin to describe how
dangerous it is for you to choose it. Unfortunately, the Free
Threaded Marshaler (FTM) is like an expensive car: If you have to
ask, you can't afford it. See Chapter 6, "Interface Maps," for a description
of the FTM before checking this
The Support IObjectWithSite setting directs the
wizard to generate an implementation of IObjectWithSite.
Objects being hosted inside containers such as Internet Explorer
use this interface. Containers use this interface to pass interface
pointers to the objects they host so that these objects can
directly communicate with their container.
Results of the ATL
Simple Object Wizard
After you specify the
options, the Simple Object Wizard generates the skeleton files for
you to start adding your implementation. For the class, there is a
newly generated header file containing the class definition, a .cpp
file for the implementation, and an .RGS file containing
registration information. In addition, the IDL file
is updated to contain the new interface definition.
The generated class definition looks like
// CalcPi.h : Declaration of the CCalcPi
#pragma once
#include "resource.h" // main symbols
#include "PiSvr.h"
#include "_ICalcPiEvents_CP.h"
// CCalcPi
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CCalcPi :
public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
public CComCoClass<CCalcPi, &CLSID_CalcPi>,
public ISupportErrorInfo,
public IConnectionPointContainerImpl<CCalcPi>,
public CProxy_ICalcPiEvents<CCalcPi>,
public IDispatchImpl<ICalcPi, &IID_ICalcPi, &LIBID_PiSvrLib,
/*wMajor =*/ 1, /*wMinor =*/ 0>
CCalcPi() { }
// ISupportsErrorInfo
STDMETHOD(InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo)(REFIID riid);
HRESULT FinalConstruct() {
return S_OK;
void FinalRelease() {
OBJECT_ENTRY_AUTO(__uuidof(CalcPi), CCalcPi)
The first thing to notice is the list of base
classes. In this instance, ATL takes advantage of both templates
and multiple inheritance. Each base class provides a separate piece
of the common code needed for a COM object:
CComObjectRootEx provides the
implementation of the IUnknown interface.
CComCoClass provides the class factory
ISupportErrorInfo is the interface;
implementation for the one method is in the .cpp file.
IConnectionPointContainerImpl provides
the implementation I requested by checking the Support Connection
Points check box.
CProxy_ICalcPiEvents is part of the
connection point implementation.
IDispatchImpl provides the
implementation of IDispatch needed for the object's dual
The other important thing to note here is the
COM_MAP macros. This is an instance of an ATL map: a set of macros that generate code
(typically to fill in a lookup table). The COM_MAP, in
particular, is used to implement the QueryInterface method
that all COM objects are required to support.
For more information about the base classes that
ATL uses to implement basic COM functionality and how you can
leverage this implementation for building object hierarchies and
properly synchronizing multithreaded objects, see Chapter 4, "Objects in ATL."
For more information about how to make full use of the
COM_MAP, see Chapter 6, "Interface Maps."