Item 28. Minimizing Compile-time
Dependencies—Part 3
Difficulty: 7
Now the unnecessary
headers have been removed, and needless dependencies on the
internals of the class have been eliminated. Is there any further
decoupling that can be done? The answer takes us back to basic
principles of solid class design.
The Incredible Shrinking Header has now been
greatly trimmed, but there may still be ways to reduce the
dependencies further. What further #includes could be
removed if we made further changes to X, and how?
This time, you may make any changes to
X as long as they don't change its public interface so
that existing code that uses X is unaffected beyond
requiring a simple recompilation. Again, note that the comments are
// x.h: after converting to use a Pimpl
// to hide implementation details
#include <iosfwd>
#include "a.h" // class A (has virtual functions)
#include "b.h" // class B (has no virtual functions)
class C;
class E;
class X : public A, private B
X( const C& );
B f( int, char* );
C f( int, C );
C& g( B );
E h( E );
virtual std::ostream& print( std::ostream& ) const;
struct XImpl;
XImpl* pimpl_;
// opaque pointer to forward-declared class
inline std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const X& x )
return x.print(os);