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Item 8. Writing Exception-Safe Code—Part 1

Difficulty: 7

Exception handling and templates are two of C++'s most powerful features. Writing exception-safe code, however, can be difficult—especially in a template, when you may have no idea when (or what) a certain function might throw your way.

We'll begin where Cargill left off—namely, by progressively creating a safe version of the Stack template he critiqued. Later on, we'll significantly improve the Stack container by reducing the requirements on T, the contained type, and show advanced techniques for managing resources exception-safely. Along the way, we'll find the answers to such questions as:

  • What are the different "levels" of exception safety?

  • Can or should generic containers be fully exception-neutral?

  • Are the standard library containers exception-safe or exception-neutral?

  • Does exception safety affect the design of your container's public interface?

  • Should generic containers use exception specifications?

Here is the declaration of the Stack template, substantially the same as in Cargill's article. Your mission: Make Stack exception-safe and exception-neutral. That is, Stack objects should always be in a correct and consistent state, regardless of any exceptions that might be thrown in the course of executing Stack's member functions. If any exceptions are thrown, they should be propagated seamlessly through to the caller, who can deal with them as he pleases, because he knows the context of T and we don't.

template <class T> class Stack 


  T*     v_;      // ptr to a memory area big
  size_t vsize_;  //  enough for 'vsize_' T's
  size_t vused_;  // # of T's actually in use

Write the Stack default constructor and destructor in a way that is demonstrably exception-safe (works properly in the presence of exceptions) and exception-neutral (propagates all exceptions to the caller, without causing integrity problems in a Stack object).

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